Lleida (Catalonia), September 15 to 17, 2022

Technical Conference

Technical conference

These conferences are actually a practical and advanced workshop for professionals from the world of tourism and services, along with biologists, interpreters of the natural environment, students who want to focus on this field and, obviously, for lovers of birds and nature.

The first day will be open doors and the following two only for those registered who are truly interested in deepening or becoming professional.

The Program
Palace of Congresses of the City of Lleida

Day 1.- September 15

10:30 to 13:30 in the morning

Towards excellence in birding

On an exceptional day, we will receive a master class from probably the best birdwatching guide in the best country in the world for bird diversity. It is about Diego Calderón, from Colombia.

We will also be accompanied by the director of the Birdfair of Catalonia and the most important in the Mediterranean. Francesc Kirchner of the Delta Birding Festival. He will tell us about the role of birdfairs in the development of birding.

All this with the inauguration in the hands of the pioneer, the most universal and award-winning Catalan naturalist, Martí Boada.

Day 2.- September 16

8:00 to 12:30 in the morning

Global change, birding and science

In a -for sure- unparalleled morning of scientific ringing we will address two current topics:

How does climate and global change affect and will affect birding?

And what is «scientific birding» all about?

To talk about all this we will have the ornithologists Carles Barriocanal, professor of global change at the UB and Guillem Chacon, professor of bird ringing in more than 50 countries. Both are responsible for the Biological Station for Global Change Monitoring, in Barcelona. One of the country’s great experts, Sergi Sales, will take charge of the ringing day.

Buseu, Lleida (Catalonia)

Day 3.- September 17

9:00 to 13:30 in the morning

Hides and Bird Photography

We will conclude the Conference in Pallars Sobirà (Lleida). We will visit the Buseu Project in the only place in Europe where the four vultures can be seen.

After the experience of observing and photographing the scavengers, three great experts in hides and bird photography will discuss for us and explain what the requirements are and how to carry out this activity.

They are the ornithologists Carles Santana, Marc Lacasa and Jordi Canut.

And, whoever wants it, will be able to stay the whole weekend in such an idyllic place.